Category Archives: ffmpeg

Convert wav to wav from 8bit to 16bit with ffmpeg cmdline for 3cx from NEC SV8100

Today I had to convert audio messages from a NEC pbx to the format a 3cx pbx uses. These are the digital audio intro messages etc. that you get when you call e.g. the main telephone number of a company. … Continue reading

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raspi raspbian compile ffmpeg

Edit: It is called avconv, duh! You can use this now: Today I’m setting up a raspi with raspbian and a raspi camera. After enabling the camera (with rapi-config as root) I wanted to test it wtih ffmpeg. Which … Continue reading

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Stacking some images with convert

Today I remembered I was reading on the web, somewhere I don’t remember, someone asked about stacking images that were grabbed from a webcam into one file, to create a kind of ghost effect. Playing around with ffmpeg and convert … Continue reading

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